japan earthquake

Japan Earthquake

Japan’s deadliest earthquake in almost eight years, which struck on New Year’s Day, claimed over 100 lives on Saturday, and more than 200 people are still missing.
In the Hokuriku region, 23,000 houses lost electricity as a result of the magnitude 7.6 earthquake that rocked Japan’s west coast.
Over 30,000 evacuees awaited help as the search for lives beneath collapsed buildings went on for a sixth day.

By 1 pm (local time) on Saturday, sixteen more deaths had been verified in Wajima city and Anamizu town, bringing the total to 110, according to the Ishikawa prefectural government and other sources cited by Kyodo news agency.

According to the Ishikawa government website, 98 persons had been officially declared deceased as of Saturday morning.
It is the largest number since 276 persons, including associated fatalities, were murdered by earthquakes in Kumamoto, southwest Japan, in 2016.

japan earthquake

According to the Earthquake Research Institute at the University of Tokyo, the earthquake caused the sandy shoreline in western Japan to shift by up to 250 meters seaward in certain places.
The quake produced landslides, tsunamis, and a sizable fire in the town of Wajima. Concerns for the villages where supplies of food, water, blankets, and medications had not yet arrived increased as some roads were blocked by the damage.

The United States pledged relief worth $100,000 on Friday, promising more aid in the form of blankets, water, and medical supplies.

Thousands of Japanese soldiers have joined the mission to reach the most severely affected areas on the Noto Peninsula, which is the epicenter of the earthquake and is connected to the rest of Honshu’s main island by a thin strip of land.

Japan cancels all tsunami alerts but advises citizens that there is still a chance of bigger earthquakes.


Read Our detailed inscription at :https://dailytrendspot.com/japan-struck-by-7-4-magnitude-earthquake/

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